If you're having one of those light bulb moments where it suddenly becomes clear why your significant other has been giving you the silent treatment for the past week...well, now you know. Make amends - cook them a nice dinner, snuggle on the couch with a good movie - things will be back to normal in no time at all. Hopefully.
In the mean time, to further remind you of the "holiday" of love, how about some Valentine themed cookies?
Hugs, kisses, teddy bears, and love letters. All present and accounted for. Oh, and I unexpectedly received the gift of a new cookie pan last week. Guess what shape it makes the cookies? If you guessed hearts, you are correct!
I tested different royal glaze thickness levels on the light pink cookies; hence, the reason they all look a bit different.
Did you get any snow in your neck of the woods? We did and were thankful for every inch of it (about 7" all total). It even earned me a day off work! Spent the day at home, making soup, baking cookies, shoveling snow, and, of course, playing in it as well. All in all, a day very well spent.
Talk to you soon! Stay warm!