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27 September 2013

My Life is a Word Problem

You remember those word problems we had to solve in math class?

"Johnny has 30 candy bars.  He eats 10.  How many candy bars does Johnny have?"  Something along those lines anyway.  Point is the problems often involved copious quantities of items you wouldn't have in normal circumstances, yet no one ever seemed to blink an eye.

That's how I felt the other day when I purchased eggs.  I had 20 dozen eggs and NOTHING else in the cart.  "C has 15 dozen eggs.  She needs to make 12 angel food cakes (plus some other things), but the cashier and other customers do not know this.  How many ridiculous questions and sideways glances will she get?"

Answer:  No ridiculous questions, though I did get a few sideways looks, which really strikes me as strange because I purchased the massive quantity of eggs at our "friendly" neighborhood Wally World.  There is no possible way I and my cart of eggs were the greatest oddity in the store...I refuse to believe it.  Anywho...


Ta-da!  Twelve angel food cakes, ready to be sliced.  I also made some vanilla sugared strawberries and whipped cream to go along with them.

Oooh...and I learned a few things along the way:
  • Angel food cakes burn very easily.
  • Under baked angel food cakes (even if they appear completely baked) will fall out of the pan when turned upside down.  It's a very fine line between under baked, baked to perfection, and burnt...
  • An electric knife is the quickest and easiest way to slice angel food cakes.
  • Angel food cake pans come in a variety of colors and styles.  Do not waste time with dark coated pans or pans that do not have a removable inner core.  I made this mistake and had to bake additional cakes.  Bringing the total I actually baked to 15.  
  • The recipe I use for angel food cake requires 1 dozen eggs per cake.  But, only the egg whites, no yolks.  So many egg yolks...what to do with them?  I hate to let them go to waste; they are currently in my freezer awaiting their next mission, once I figure out what that will be.
One other thing I learned - I still love angel food cake.  I haven't had a slice of one in years, but my enjoyment of it hasn't diminished.  Plus, since I'm wiser these days, I can now more fully appreciate that I can have a slice or three and still be making a "healthier" choice.  Don't judge.

Think I'll go have a piece of cake.  Oh, and if you have ideas for what I should use the egg yolks for, do share!  Custards or ice creams come to my mind, but not much else, so I'm open to any suggestions.

Talk to you soon!

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