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10 March 2012

Bow Ties & Buckles

And a few other things too.

But, first!

Bow Ties for a new baby boy.  Sugar cookies, of course.


A buckle for a western-themed birthday.  And a few other cowboy necessities...


A blast from my past.  (This cake made me want to play not only Mario Brothers, but also Duck Hunt on the old NES system.  Showing my age, I know!)


And, snap, crackle, pop!  A krispy cake for A.

You may be thinking this is an oddly designed cake, never minding the fact that there is no actual cake or icing to it.  If so, you're right, this isn't how I originally planned to stack this cake, but I dropped the tray that Donald was on, so his severed legs necessitated a different design.  At least it was a clean break and I could piece him back together again!

Good thing I'm adaptable sometimes, huh?

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